Reading Celebration
READING CELEBRATION 2022 On Wednesday, June 7th, our elementary students participated in the yearly reading celebration which included games and awards. Check out the slide show and the awards video below!
Crown Point, NY 12928
READING CELEBRATION 2022 On Wednesday, June 7th, our elementary students participated in the yearly reading celebration which included games and awards. Check out the slide show and the awards video below!
A memo was sent home last week with your child that outlines important upcoming dates to remember. June 13th – Sports Banquet (Rescheduled from 6/9) June 14th – Prek-K/Kinder Graduation @ 9am June 15th – 1st Day of half days, all students dismissed at 12pm June 23rd – 8th Grade Graduation June 24th – 9:30 dismissal & HIGH SCHOOL…
The boys varsity won over Tupper Lake on Saturday, June 4th. The boys scored 2 runs and Noah Spaulding pitched a no hitter. Congratulations boys! The CPCS Varsity Baseball playing will be playing the final four game on Friday, June 10th, at Broome Community College.
CPCS had a Taiko Drum Sensei visit on June 3rd! 2nd and 5th grades participated in workshops where students were able to play multiple types of drums and the day culminated with a concert!
Pictures from Happy Cow’s Visit to CPCS!
PROPOSITION #1 – Budget Vote The Annual School District Budget Vote for the 2022-2023 School Year was held on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 and the results were as follows: Total # of Votes Cast – 59 # of “Yes” Votes – 59 # of ”No” Votes 0 # that did not vote 0 The 2022-23 Budget passes by a…
On Wednesday, May 11th, the CPCS Band, Chorus, and Orchestra performed for the first time since December of 2019. Two and a half years later, the kids came back and rocked it!
After two years, CPCS students, staff, and parents returned to Proctors Theater to watch a production of Dear Evan Hansen. As you can see from the photo, everyone was really excited and had a terrific time!
Addison Dorr, 1st place coloring contest winner in the grade 4 category! Pictured below is Addison and her teacher Mrs. Bush. Addison received a trophy and a class pack of markers for 4th Grade! Congratulations Addison!
CPCS Vacancy Announcement – March 18. 2022