The Board of Education consists of seven trustees elected to serve three-year terms of office without pay. Any voter of the district may be a candidate for the Board in the spring by filing a petition signed by at least 25 district voters with the Clerk of the Board. The Board holds business meetings on the third Tuesday of most months at 7:00 pm in the CPCS Auditorium. Dates are noted in the calendar and announced in the newspaper prior to each meeting. All Board meetings are open to the public, and residents are urged to attend.
The Board has legal responsibility for the operation of the district. The Board establishes the policies under which the district will operate, and the Superintendent of Schools is responsible for administering the school program within the context of these policies.
Mitch St. Pierre
Vice President
Florence St. Pierre-Sears
Board Trustees
Cara Cowan Sierra Harrington
Jodie Ingleston Anita Johnson Todd Waldorf
District Clerk
Karla J. Vigliotti